Thursday, January 14, 2010

Unemployment & Child Support Payments

Reported today, 1 in 10 people are unemployed, however, 'we' know that this figure is skewed, since not everyone who is unemployed is counted. If a person is not receiving jobless benefits (unemployment checks), they are not counted as unemployed.

Upsetting news to many, this tragedy is hitting divorced parents most profoundly. If a divorced parent with child support obligations can not find work, they can not make support payments. The result: these parents are then in criminal violation of court orders and are put into jail. This is wrong and we need to change it.

Add a comment, please! Support this cause! Thank you.

Cadmuim Found in China Products

Polluted by China, again, the US is victim to surprise cadmium exposure via metal in jewelery and metal products.

Headline News suggests taking the products and 'throw it away.' What is wrong with this picture? Sure, go ahead and contaminate the land fill and ultimately the water supply even more.

So, what can you responsibly do with these products, recycle them where you would recycle used batteries.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Walmart Caters to the Fat and Lazy with Electric Scooters

And then those same lazy fat people back that scooter up right over you in the aisle.

It is alarming to me that so many inconsiderate people take advantage of the amenities offered to the truly disabled.

Blame Walmart? Yes! Only they can control scooter abuse!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I did not want to bail out the banks! But, nobody asked me!

Why bail out those losers so they can stick it to us some more! They did not give us the chance to vote because, they knew we would say no! And those same banks are the ones taking our houses away from us! That is just not right.

Healthcare Failure has been Manufactured by Insurance Companies

The scoop is:

The crisis in healthcare has been manufactured by insurance companies.

And who stands to gain the most by this healthcare bill? The insurance companies!

Wake up! Do something about it! Help!

The Global Warming Ponzi Scheme - Not Cow Fart

Are you going to stop eating beef?

Actually cow gas is not the ruining our environment, but the politicians for global government are poised to do just that. More taxes, more governmental control, and less freedom.

Once again, ask yourself one question: 'who stands to make the most money if environmental control laws go into effect?' Think about it. Who? Will it lead to the unfair trade of carbon credits among wealthy and influential corporations world-wide? And who is the The World Conservation Bank? Will we lose our currency to the Euro? And the value of our dollar over inflate and our wallets never see George Washington again? Are they really trying to change oil trading to be based on the Euro instead of the dollar?

Just because you are paranoid does not mean someone is not out to get you!

Al Gore is a traitor to America and is actively plotting to facilitate a one world government. He does not seek to protect the integrity of America and the freedom for which she stands.

Please do a little research and then act. It is us, the little people, who can change the path we are on. Us, the U.S., indivisible and unique. Protect us.

My Prophecy? The impending revolution will be called 'The Sugar War'

Americans might finally understand when:

Sugar is so heavily taxed that you can not buy it, (a luxury tax like on Starbucks coffee and cigarettes.)

Will we sit at our computers and take it or fight back?

Will this finally be the straw that breaks the camels back?